About Us

Hello there! My name is Laura Johnson and I’m the founder of Hi Sunshine Seniors. I’m so happy to have you on our website and part of our Facebook community!

I started Hi Sunshine Seniors because I saw a need for seniors who want to stay active, healthy and socially engaged. As a senior myself, I know how important it is to have a supportive community of like-minded people around you. Hi Sunshine Seniors aims to provide just that – a safe and welcoming space for seniors.

Our website and social media platform are home to engaging and informative content, resources, and a supportive community for seniors who want to get more out of life. We’re committed to helping you stay active, healthy and socially engaged in a fun and interactive way.

At Hi Sunshine Seniors, we know our audience well. We know that our community members are active, inquisitive, and always looking for new experiences. We also understand that there’s no such thing as “too old to learn” and we encourage lifelong learning.

We’re here to help you live your best life as a senior. We want you to join our community, engage with our content, and feel like you’ve found a home at Hi Sunshine Seniors.

Thank you for being a part of our journey!